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Our goal is the success and satisfaction of the client.


회사소식 영문 List
No Title Name Registration Date Hit
7 Registered a patent of the new device about crystal growing control system with ... 관리자 2006-10-28 10,399
6 Registered a patent of the Laver Inspector 관리자 2006-10-28 10,120
5 We did synergic development subject processing with university, and R&D center 관리자 2006-10-28 10,242
4 Registered a patent of the Bottle cap Inspector 관리자 2006-10-28 10,330
3 Get the prize of the excellent venture company 관리자 2006-10-28 11,930
2 R&D Center foundation 관리자 2006-10-28 11,980
1 Acquired Certification about the venture business 관리자 2006-10-28 11,278