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Our goal is the success and satisfaction of the client.


회사소식 영문 List
No Title Name Registration Date Hit
Notice The interview with Maeil News paper admin 2019-01-21 6,072
Notice Presidential Award of Innovation Parts admin 2019-01-21 3,855
Notice Rally & Demonstration adviser at Bundang Police Office admin 2019-01-21 3,636
Notice Machine Vision Award for TRM Machine admin 2019-01-21 2,879
Notice People & Company Interview News admin 2019-01-21 3,226
Notice Patent of TAB Resistance Tester admin 2019-01-21 2,297
Notice A gold Prize of AVT Partner Day admin 2019-01-21 2,712
52 For your deep sleep 'PEGASI Dream Glasses' admin 2020-06-05 2,747
51 Odor removal NO.1, 'ezfresh' admin 2020-06-05 2,767
50 New laser distance measuring device “ezRuler” admin 2020-06-05 2,734