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Our goal is the success and satisfaction of the client.


회사소식 영문 List
No Title Name Registration Date Hit
19 Distribution Partner contract of Photon Focus 관리자 2009-02-03 12,591
18 Got a minister prize from Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 관리자 2009-01-05 12,379
17 2008 6th AVT Partner Convention bronze prize 관리자 2008-06-17 12,927
16 Factory registration complete 관리자 2008-06-17 11,955
15 Korea Development Bank(KDB) Investment 관리자 2008-06-17 13,632
14 Sole Distribution Partner contract of AVT 관리자 2008-06-17 13,011
13 Distribution Partner contract of MIKROTRON 관리자 2008-06-17 11,964
12 Obtain patent of Polarizing film measurement machine 관리자 2008-06-17 10,436
11 Distribution Partner contract of TATTILE 관리자 2008-06-17 11,542
10 Distribution Partner contract of PPT Vision 관리자 2008-06-17 11,887